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  • Our School

    Our School

    Dear Parents and Carers, 

    My name is Nilam Hullait and I am proud to be the Headteacher of St John’s & St Peter’s C of E Primary. 

    St John’s & St Peter’s C of E Primary is a happy and successful school located right at the centre of the bustling community of Ladywood, Birmingham. We are ideally located in close proximity to the City Centre, which gives our children the opportunities to access learning in many areas of the curriculum from the wider community.

    Our school has a distinctive Christian ethos and caring atmosphere where each child is valued for their individual talents and abilities. At St John’s & St Peter’s C of E Primary we encourage each child to live life to the full through our Christian vision ‘God’s Love in Action' and our Christian values of Contribution, Understanding, Peace, Trust, Resilience and Joy. We aim for them to be confident, kind, responsible children who care about their school, local community and the wider world. Through our vision and values, our skilled and highly committed staff aim to create an exciting and inclusive environment which provides high quality learning experiences for all our children, which gives them the foundations they need for the next steps in their learning journey. 

    Our expectations of one another are high. We make every effort to meet these by creating a stimulating, challenging and happy learning environment. We focus on all aspects of a child’s development and believe that they receive the best quality of education when the whole school community is working together in partnership. 

    We are proud of the relationships that we have with all members of the school community and especially the parents. Together we work in partnership to ensure we provide the best possible education for every pupil and provide opportunities for pupils to grow both academically, personally and spiritually. 

    Nilam Hullait

    We welcome visitors to school so please contact school if you would like to look around. We will be proud to show you our school and we hope that during your visit you will see our vision and values in action. 

    We are part of Fioretti Trust and you can find more information about us by following the link.

    We hope that you find this website useful and that it gives you a flavour of what life is like in our school family.

    What do the parents say about Our School?

    "St John's and St Peter's is part of our family. This is our family school."

    "The staff are extremely warm, helpful and friendly. The school is a prestigious place to be."

    "The teachers see each child for who they are."

     "At St John's and St Peter's, the kids achieve in every area."

     "I moved my children here 4 years ago... I don't regret it one bit. The staff are very supportive.
    They ease my stress as a parent. "